The challenge: write and film yourself performing an original monologue that is no longer than 60 seconds.

no set style.
edited however you like.
no specialist equipment needed.

The tHeme:
three little words

congratulations to our three MMM #3 Winners...
paula Brett (they/them)
"I haven’t finished annoying you yet. Sorry! That’s what younger siblings do. You’d be bored without me. I do appreciate that whenever I said “Wait for Me!” You did, in your way – you huffed, or pretended you’d left something behind and went back, but you did. You always waited. I’m asking you to wait for me one more time. Mum has left it til the last minute to tell me… typical her, didn’t want to worry me and all that humph. Maybe she didn’t want to admit that you were finally slipping away. I’d hate to miss you, though. I’ll hate the world anyway, when you’re gone. No one to follow, no brains to pick, no one to drive me up the wall. But please, please, just humour me one more time. Don’t go before I get there. Wait for me."
Paula is an actor, puppeteer and radio broadcaster. their Credits include VO for BBC Bitesize, Puppeteer on In the Night Garden Live, and Illyria Theatre's The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle.
Michael Jinks (he/Him)
Michael is an Experienced actor, segwaying into writing. He is currently on the Soho Theatre Writers Lab.
"Trouble. That’s her name. I call her that anyway, even though she couldn’t be farther fromtrouble if she tried. My younger brother has taken to calling her that now but.... Trouble’s my name for her. She loves it. I Kept threatening to buy her a trampoline for her birthday and she’d crack up every time. Must have told her that 10 years on the trot. Still funny. Nothing quite like making your nan laugh is there. An intergenerational giggle that will see you through the darkest of November days.. Her last words to me were over a cracklymobile phone held to her ear by a stranger and she said “take care yourself”. I think. And for weeks I wondered if she left the “Of” out on purpose or if I just didn’t hear it. Take care OF yourself. I still wonder if she left it out on purpose."
"He’s just out in the garden, we can stay in here. You needn’t have come all this way. I’m fine, really, really fine. We’ve just been so busy. You know, with his job and having to move, we had to get rid of the car. I haven’t been ignoring you. I don’t even have a chance to look at my phone, I don’t ever look at my phone. We both came off socials too. We love it, I love it. We feel much more.. free. Obviously, I’d love to holiday with you again, it’s just not a good time. Soon, though. We can use that app to pick somewhere, What 3 Words. It uses words instead of postcodes. Some of the combinations are quite funny actually, like oh try, applied.pens.chest. Look it up, when you get home, when you’re alone. Applied. Pens. Chest. Look it up. It’s really funny. Make sure you do. Oh hi love, we were just finishing up. Silly bean, she needn’t have come, I did say."
megan predominantly works behind the scenes in Theatre and Film/TV. she has used this career path to watch from afar, to learn from the shadows and see the very best at work. her radio play 'Twitcher' was selected by Kickitdown Productions to be performed as part of an online showcase earlier this year. It's just the beginning for megan and she is beyond excited to jump in.
The monologue is being read by the wonderful Lydia Larson. She has a wide ranging Stage Career, having performed for Paines Plough, The Vault Festival and The Orange Tree Theatre.
megan smith (she/her)
Thank you to everyone for entering our competition - we're so grateful for all your monologue submissions!